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Wartsila Company Marine: Compressors,Emissions Reduction,Gas Systems,Inert Gas Systems,Pump Systems Oil & Gas: Compressors,Emissions Reduction,Gas Systems,Inert Gas Systems Oil Separation Systems

About Hamworthy

Hamworthy is a market-leading global company providing specialist equipment and services to the marine, oil & gas and industrial sectors.

Through a mix of market-led organic development and strategic acquisitions, Hamworthy has built a business that’s now regarded as a global leader with enviable expertise, providing specialist equipment and service to a broad range of markets.

Our key markets are marine and oil & gas.  Our marine markets are predominantly for the specialist ship types of oil and gas carriers and cruise ships, although we serve the entire merchant fleet with a wide  range of equipment and services.  For the oil and gas industry we support production facilities with systems that address issues of process efficiency and environmental compliance.  Although we have a strong marine heritage, many of our products and systems naturally find industrialapplications.

Now part of the Wärtsilä family our portfolio of innovative and market-leading solutions just got bigger. Together we are passionate about technological innovation and lifecycle value. Our integrated systems, solutions and products are efficient, economically sound and environmentally sustainable - enabling an even shorter route to bigger profits for our customers.

With more than 18,000 people in 170 locations world-wide, our marine and offshore customers can be assured of truly global support, 24 hours a day.

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Dầu bánh răng Mobil SHC Gear 320WT Dầu Mobil SHC 634 Mobil SHC Cibus 32 Dầu Taihokohzai PN55 JIP 530 kyodo Palmax Kyodo Molylex No.2 Lube Grease JS1-7 Lube Grease NS1-4 KLUBER MICROLUBE GBU Molybkombin M5 Spray Molynoc Grease AP2 KLUBER GRAFLOSCON Dầu tách khuôn nhôm Brugarolas mỡ bôi trơn THK Mobil SHC Cibus 68 mỡ bôi trơn UNILITE mỡ Alvania GC 00 mỡ Molylex No.2 mỡ tra máy AMADA LHL X100-7 mỡ bôi trơn CITRAX NSK NF2 Mobiltemp SHC 460 special Dầu Mobilmet 424 Dầu Mobil DTE 832 SYNTHESO D460 Mỡ chịu nhiệt Kluber Dầu Mobil SHC PM 220 Mobilgear SHC XMP 460 JIP 137 Dầu Mobilarma 798 grease N510048200 Mỡ Daikin Lubmax GKL-2-100 KH GREASE 6459 Đồng hồ đo Wika Mobil Grease FM 101 VITOL WX mỡ bôi trơn MUL16SRL Súng bơm mỡ Yamada CH 400g BARRIERTA I S FLUID Atlas copco giá Súng bơm mỡ Cartridge 400g Dầu kéo cáp đồng Bestril AMBLYGON TA 30/2 MULTEMP ET-100K Shell Albida HD 2 Taihokozai Ichinen JIP 310 Dầu Mobil Pegasus 1005 mỡ PETAMO GHY 13 Dầu Taihokohzai Jet Lube NX 31 Đo áp suất Wika KLUBER ISOFLEX TOPAS Taihokohzai - Ichinen 009146 - JIP 146 Súng bơm mỡ Yamada KH-120 mỡ THK HCR15 Mobil EAL Arctic 68 mỡ THK HSR12 Dầu Mobil Rarus SHC 1024 MICROLUBE GBU-Y131 WeissSol W100 Mobil Almo 532 Lube grease NS2-7 Dầu cho ngành dệt sợi Brugarolas Mỡ dùng cho máy Daikin Lubmax Mỡ Multemp SRL mỡ THK Stamina grease EP 2 MTL5000 Series Dầu thủy lực Mobil DTE Oil Heavy Dầu Mobil SHC Gear 680 MULTEMP PS NO.2 Dầu Beslux Sincart W Mỡ bôi trơn Kluber Dầu Mobil ECT 39 Mỡ Nabtesco VIGO Grease Dầu mobil Glygolye Mobil Vacuoline 537 Molykote P-40 Paste V1 Grease NSK PS2 mỡ NSK Grease LR3 Taihokohzai - Ichinen NX 82 KLUBER POLYLUB GA 35 Mobil Glygoyle 680 mỡ ISOFLEX NBU15 kyodo Multemp ET-R Taihokohzai - Ichinen JIP 199 kyodo moly grease Mobil Pegasus 805 mỡ THK AFG Dầu Mobil Almo 530 Mobil Glygoyle 320 Mobil Glygoyle 460 Dầu Mobilmet 423 EPNOC Grease AP (N)2 mỡ Multemp ET-R high tempt Emalube L NONTROP KR 291 Mỡ THK AFJ Mỡ NSK LG2 MTL8000